Have you ever noticed that whenever Jesus starts talking about money, we are very good and spiritualizing the conversation? Today’s parable is a perfect example.
There was a land owner who paid the same wage to those who came to work late in the day as he did to those who came first. Those who came early feel that they were cheated or paid unfairly, despite the fact that they received the fair daily wage they agreed to when they came to work. Their problem, of course, is not that they were cheated, but that those who came later were given the same amount.
Like the laborers who worked all day, we too often feel such a payment arrangement is unfair because the workers who came later earned less. That’s the nature of capitalism. The more you work, the more you get paid… that is, of course, until you work yourself to the point where most of your income comes from investments and other passive sources which require less work. Then we simply say, “you’ve made it.” And the rich get richer while the poor get poorer.
But we don’t want to talk about that. So instead we make this a story about heaven. God’s grace, we say, is the same for the person who prays for forgiveness on their death bed as it is for the one who has served God faithfully all their lives. It’s never too late to make a choice to “accept Jesus as your savior” and “get into heaven.” While this may be a true description of God’s grace, we do Jesus’ teachings a great injustice when we strip them of all practical worldly application…