“Surely the Lord is in this place — and I did not know it…”
Genesis 28:16
In a world that often seems to be burning around us, both literally and figuratively, it is difficult to notice a single burning bush.
In a world deafened by the noise of the loudest and most powerful voices, the still small voice of the Holy Spirit all but disappears.
Yet God continues to speak in the stillness, in the silence, and in the quiet out of the way places so few dare to walk, let alone take off their shoes.
What will it take to notice?
What will it take to pay attention and stay awake to God’s presence in our midst?
And what will it take for the church to recover her role as sacred space where all people can drink deeply from the fountain of living water flowing forth from the loving presence of her creator?
when Every Space is Sacred
Cultivating an Awareness of God’s Presence in Everyday Life
“Surely the Lord is in this place—and I did not know it!”
Genesis 28:16
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