Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me…
The Lorica of Saint Patrick (St. Patrick's Breastplate Prayer)
Long before I began seriously looking at this famous prayer, these lines stood out to me as among the most challenging. Christ is present everywhere and in everything, but now we pray to see Christ in every one. There are always great spiritual role-models in whom we clearly see the presence of Christ, but this prayer does not discriminate. It does not ask that we see Christ only in spiritual giants. It doesn’t ask us to see Christ only in Christians. It doesn’t even ask us to see Christ in only “good people”.
For me, these lines feel more like questions than declarations. Lord, can I really see you in everyone? Let us consider together some of the people in whom we might be asked to seek the presence of Christ.
Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me?
What about those who think negatively of me?
What about those who only think of ways to do me harm?
What about those who think very little of me, dismissing me as though I do not matter?
What about those who think only of how to use me or take advantage of me?
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me?
What about those who speak poorly of me, who spread gossip and slander my name?
What about those who speak lies about me?
What about those who speak behind my back?
What about those who speak to me in hurtful or manipulative ways?
Christ in the every eye that sees me?
What about those who only see me from a distance but would never recognize me?
What about those who only see what they want to see, but are unwilling to see the “real me”?
What about those who only see the worst in me?
What about those who see too much and who know me more than I want to be known?
Christ in every ear that hears me?
What about those who hear only what they want to hear?
What about those who misinterpret what they hear?
What about those who hear, but have no interest in actually listening?
What about those who only hear what others say about me but don’t really hear me?
We could go on but I think the point is clear. There are just some people, whether we call them strangers or enemies or something in between, who do not seem to reflect the light of Christ in their lives. Can we really see Christ in these people?
I don’t know if we can see Christ in everyone or not. For some, it will certainly be harder than others. Yet if everyone is truly created in the image of God, then don’t we at least owe it to them and to ourselves to keep looking until we find even a spark of God’s love which might be kindled by the power and grace of the Holy Spirit?
1. Who are the people in whom I can clearly see the face of Christ and why?
2. Who are the people in whom I struggle to see even a glimpse of Christ’s presence and why?
3. What will I do this week to intentionally look for Christ in someone’s life where God’s loving presence appears entirely absent?
Our journey through St. Patrick's Breastplate Prayer concludes next week:
I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity
Through belief in the Threeness
Through confession of the Oneness
of the Creator of creation. Amen.
I Arise Today
A 40 Day Devotional Journey Through St. Patrick’s Breastplate Prayer. Now available in Kindle and Paperback at