
Who Will Move the Ladder?

Who Will Move the Ladder?

… World history is the story of an endless sibling rivalry in which we all want to be the favorite child.

This is not our place. Power in this world, even economic and political power, is an illusion. It is temporary and comes at a tremendous cost. Jesus tells us that those who seek to save their lives will lose them. The more we try to gain or hold onto control, the more harm we do to others and to ourselves. Some have said that most of the evil in the world Is the result of religion. Indeed, the most brutal wars in history and even in our own day are rooted in religious ideology. It is not, I believe, religion itself which stirs up so much violence, but rather our misuse of religion for the sake of worldly gain and power.

  • While we fight over who is closest to God, God draws closer those we want to keep the furthest away.

  • While we fight for power, God continues to favor the powerless.

  • While we fight over who is the most “right”, God keeps loving those we think are “wrong.”

If there is any hope for our future, we must let go of our craving for power. We must stop trying to climb the ladders of the empire…